Monday, June 15, 2009


My son-in-fact, "de facto," Hugh Yeman has invited me to follow his new blog.
Hey, Hugh. This is a very good way to use the net to fight discrimination and prejudice.
I am not much of a blogger, but I agree with your project. In fact, I judge churches and religions by how they welcome, shun, or attack gays. The minister at the wedding was representing an institutional hatred that is far more dangerous and violent than an individual saying "faggot."
The proper response is to get up and leave.
Joe Check


  1. Hi Joe! Thanks for posting this. I hope that I can do something positive with the new blog.

    Any time you want to post a comment, just log in to your own blogger/google account, then go to my blog. At the bottom of any blog entry you should see an option to post a comment.

  2. Whoops. Now I remember how confusing it can be to post comments on blogspot. There's a step that I left out in my comment above. To get to the commment section for a post, you need to select that specific post. For example, on MeetAdamAndSteve you can click "Meet Kristina" or on the words "0 Comments" just below that post. Either one will take you to a page showing ONLY that entry on Kristina, which will have a comment option.
