Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hugh asked me to comment on his bullying post (find it at Bullying is right up my alley. When school officials ask me to consult on bullying, I suggest they look at their own ennabling behaviors and attitudes. Bullying is violence against someone with unequal parties and is repeated in a pattern. Violence is hurting someone's body, feelings, or things. Bullying husts the whole school community and everyone participates and is affected. The school community needs to commit to non-violence. Violence will not be tolerated. Staff must cover all the hidden spots in the building according to an organized plan.
Bullies and victims need assistance. Provocative victims are often despised. They and bullies are the most likely suicides.
Some classroom and system-wide programs are research based and useful. "Second Step" is used widely and can be found at:
I find it useful to consider bullying as a form of addiction, with compulsive, destructive behavior patterns that are enabled by the system and that generate hopelessness and fear in the community.
By the way, Hugh, I suggest that you stop saying you are apolitical.
This blog is political. The "polis" is suffering and you are providing a forum to point this out.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer News

Joe and Betty are grateful for their new air conditioning unit this week when the temps are in the 90's. Joe is doing summer school counseling one day per week. His Catapult Learning job continues to support his "retirement."
Betty's Loop and home office sessions continue this summer. Addiction treatment and recovery work support her gardening and music loves.
Joe and Betty celebrate 40 years of marriage this summer. They leave Chicago for a UK vacation in London and Edinburgh. They return for the wedding of nephew Vince and his Jennifer. Daughter Grace is finishing her internship for her DPT; she is also singing at the aforementioned wedding. She and her Hugh are planning their next moves: his grad school, her new job, their new location, etc.
Joe suffers with the White Sox but enjoys his golf with good friends.
Joe and Betty are supporting old friend Toni Preckwinkle for Cook County Board President. They continue to pray for neighbor Barack Obama, for obvious reasons.

Monday, June 15, 2009


My son-in-fact, "de facto," Hugh Yeman has invited me to follow his new blog.
Hey, Hugh. This is a very good way to use the net to fight discrimination and prejudice.
I am not much of a blogger, but I agree with your project. In fact, I judge churches and religions by how they welcome, shun, or attack gays. The minister at the wedding was representing an institutional hatred that is far more dangerous and violent than an individual saying "faggot."
The proper response is to get up and leave.
Joe Check

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Adopted Cat

Betty and I have adopted our foster cat. She is called "Bootsie" and still prefers to stay in our basement. She comes up when Squeaky is away.
Both cats spend time together in Bootsie's digs in the basement. Bootsie has been to the vet, got her shots, been declared healthy and spayed with no chip. She now has a rhinestone studded collar and a nametag.
We expect further progress in the two-cat relationship.