Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hugh asked me to comment on his bullying post (find it at Bullying is right up my alley. When school officials ask me to consult on bullying, I suggest they look at their own ennabling behaviors and attitudes. Bullying is violence against someone with unequal parties and is repeated in a pattern. Violence is hurting someone's body, feelings, or things. Bullying husts the whole school community and everyone participates and is affected. The school community needs to commit to non-violence. Violence will not be tolerated. Staff must cover all the hidden spots in the building according to an organized plan.
Bullies and victims need assistance. Provocative victims are often despised. They and bullies are the most likely suicides.
Some classroom and system-wide programs are research based and useful. "Second Step" is used widely and can be found at:
I find it useful to consider bullying as a form of addiction, with compulsive, destructive behavior patterns that are enabled by the system and that generate hopelessness and fear in the community.
By the way, Hugh, I suggest that you stop saying you are apolitical.
This blog is political. The "polis" is suffering and you are providing a forum to point this out.